The law requires proof of several elements to hold someone liable for causing another person’s injuries, even more so when proving negligence. Damages representing your client’s injuries must be shown by a preponderance of the evidence in most cases, which requires documentation.

Record retrieval for personal injury cases can make or break your client’s claim, and you need it in time to put together and file that claim in the right jurisdiction. Depending on the case, your client may need records from different doctors and even different states, which is where National Record Retrieval can assist.

Record Retrieval Can Play a Crucial Role in an Injury Lawsuit

Imagine you are counsel for a personal injury plaintiff with a solid case, ready to argue that the at-fault party was negligent and caused your client’s injuries. The evidence of causation seems clear, the duty of care and breach can be shown, and your client certainly has damages in several categories, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or property damage.

When the client’s medical records do not arrive, even though you thought you requested them weeks before you plan to file, you might not be able to show the court or insurance company that your client has the damages necessary for their claim.

These kinds of delays can come from procedural red tape on the part of doctors and health care providers, often in the name of security and protection of patient health information, and they can derail a case that should otherwise proceed. Your practice may not have the time and experience to figure out how to get the medical records you need to make your client’s case. Fortunately, National Record Retrieval can take on this process on your behalf.

How National Record Retrieval Can Help

A retrieval service can step into the role of gathering records and focus on getting the client’s medical records without fail. By coordinating retrieval efforts in one provider, you can focus on collecting other evidence and perfecting the legal aspects of your client’s claim.

A retrieval service can evaluate the specific policies and procedures of the record holders in question and navigate where records might travel if one practice closes or is acquired by another. If the client has lived with injuries for an extended period, they may have records from various doctors for the same issues, all of which could be helpful in proving their claim.

National Record Retrieval can take the lead in collecting all the client’s records and making them available to you in a dependable and secure manner. Record retrieval for personal injury plaintiffs can become a routine part of your clients’ claims rather than a stumbling block.

Make Record Retrieval for Personal Injury Cases Easier and Faster

Your focus should be on your client as you guide them from being the injured party to the plaintiff and eventually to the recipient of damages. Rather than letting record retrieval stand in the way of your efforts to advocate for your client, you can let our service take care of it easily.

National Record Retrieval stands ready to execute record retrieval for personal injury cases, leveraging our knowledge of different doctors and providers to streamline the process. Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can make your practice even more successful.

Looking for more efficiency? Outsource your record reviews to the National Record Retrieval review services team who specializes in reviewing large volumes of pages quickly and cost effectively, to identify whether or not key criteria is met to move cases forward.