Your criminal defense firm can benefit from our record retrieval services because we streamline the process so your staff does not waste hours attempting to gain authorization from a medical facility and figuring out HIPAA compliance to protect patients’ rights.
When a frantic client calls from jail and swears they did not rob the bank like the police allege, quickly acquiring medical records could provide an infallible defense. For example, if the police report states the date and time an officer chased the suspect on foot through two miles of alleyways and later arrested your client at home after receiving a tip, you can refute the charge using hospital records that show your client was hobbling around on crutches after having a broken leg set that day. Or if your client is accused of rape, but the perpetrator is of a different blood type, your defense of mistaken identity will hold up.
National Record Retrieval provides criminal defense lawyers quick access to the exact medical records they need, avoiding the time-consuming task of reviewing information that is inapplicable to the case, such as vaccine records or year-old surgery. The invaluable assistance in building a credible defense quickly and cost-effectively—which could help exonerate a client or mitigate the outcome favorably—is what National Record Retrieval can do for your defense firm.
Ordering records to help build a defense is painless. Lawyers only need to fill out a short order form and let National Record Retrieval do the rest. Clients can choose the exact information they want, including physicians’ notes, relief forms, data about the patient, and more.
We contact the provider so defense lawyers do not have to. Just let us know who the provider and patient are by filling out the request form. Think of the value. Plaintiffs who accuse defendants of harm will be accountable through their medical records, which lawyers can review to build an ironclad defense.
Lawyers do not need to wonder how the progress of a request is unfolding. National Record Retrieval uses time stamps to categorize the flow of documents so lawyers can organize them sequentially.
Imagine the stress lifted from a legal team’s shoulders when National Record Retrieval interacts with physicians’ offices, ensures records are transmitted, pays associated fees, and delivers them via an interactive portal that lawyers can access anytime—even on mobile devices.
Lawyers need not worry about how to comply as a business partner to access physicians’ records in a way that is HIPAA compliant. To further protect sensitive medical records, we encrypt our site and each document on it using 256 bits, which is four times as secure as online banking sites.
National Record Retrieval also integrates seamlessly with many law firm case management systems, so clients’ medical records can be organized, stored, and retrieved in very little time.
When lawyers build defenses for clients, medical records often play a crucial role in proving a witness or the plaintiff is lying about the damage done to them or in functioning as an alibi or credible defense. By cutting through the red tape of contacting each physician’s office individually, National Record Retrieval delivers the records defense attorneys need quickly and at a reasonable cost.
Contact us now to discuss how we tailor our product to your needs. Whether your firm handles criminal defense, personal injury, or mass tort cases, we have a solution. Call now to learn what National Record Retrieval can do for your defense firm.